Can You See When Someone Was Last Active on Signal?

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Can You See When Someone Was Last Active on Signal?

The signal is a messaging app that prioritizes privacy and security. As a result, many users choose to use Signal to communicate with others. One of the features of Signal is the ability to see when a contact was last active on the app.

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However, this feature can also raise concerns about privacy, as some users may not want others to see when they were last online.

Can You See When Someone Was Last Active on Signal?

Yes, you can see when someone was last active on Signal. Signal has a Last Seen feature that shows the last time a contact was active on the app. 

However, this feature is not enabled by default, and the contact must have it enabled for you to see their last seen status.

A. Signal’s Last Seen Feature

The Last Seen feature on Signal shows the last time a contact was active on the app. This feature is enabled by default, but users have the option to disable it. 

When a contact disables the Last Seen feature, their status will appear as “Unavailable” instead of showing the last time they were active.

B. Privacy Concerns

The Last Seen feature on Signal can raise privacy concerns for some users. Some users may not want others to see when they were last online. 

In such cases, it is possible to disable the Last Seen feature.

How to Check When Someone Was Last Active on Signal?

Checking when someone was last active on Signal is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to check the last-seen status of contact on Signal:

1. Steps to Check Last Seen on Signal

  1. Open Signal App: Open the Signal app on your device.
  2. Tap on the Contact’s Name: In the chat window, find the contact whose Last Seen status you want to check and tap on their name.
  3. Check Last Seen Status: If the contact has enabled the Last Seen feature, their last seen status will appear below their name in the chat window.

2. How to Disable Last Seen on Signal?

If you do not want others to see when you were last active on Signal, you can disable the Last Seen feature. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Signal App: Open the Signal app on your device.
  2. Tap on Your Profile Picture: In the top left corner of the app, tap on your profile picture.
  3. Tap on Privacy: Scroll down and tap on Privacy.
  4. Select Last Seen: Under the “Who can see my” section, tap on Last Seen.
  5. Choose Your Desired Option: You can choose to enable the Last Seen feature for everyone, only your contacts, or disable it altogether.

It’s worth noting that if you disable the Last Seen feature, you won’t be able to see when others were last active on Signal either.

How Signal Shows User’s Last Active Time?

When a user opens Signal, the application communicates with Signal’s servers to exchange information. During this exchange, the server logs the user’s current active status. 

This status is stored on the server for a limited period and can be accessed by other Signal users who have the user’s phone number in their contacts.

Signal provides users with the option to disable this feature if they do not want others to see their last active time. To turn off this feature, users can go to the Signal settings, select Privacy, and toggle off the “Show read receipts” option. 

Once this option is turned off, users will not be able to see other users’ last active time, and their own last active time will not be visible to others.

Common Issues with Last Seen Status

The “last seen” status is a common feature in messaging applications that allows users to see when their contacts were last active on the platform. 

However, this feature can sometimes cause issues for both users and application developers.

One common issue with the last seen status is privacy concerns. Some users may not want others to see their activity on the platform, such as when they were last active. 

This can be particularly concerning if a user is being monitored or harassed by someone else. In such cases, it is important for application developers to provide users with the option to turn off this feature and maintain their privacy.

Another issue with the last-seen status is accuracy. In some cases, the last seen status may not be up-to-date or accurate. 

For example, a user may have closed the application without logging out, causing the last seen status to remain active even though they are not currently using the application. 

This can lead to confusion and misinterpretation, particularly if users are relying on the last-seen status to communicate with each other.

How To check if Someone Is Online on Signal?

However, there are some ways to tell if someone is currently using Signal:

Check the last seen status: Signal allows users to see the last time their contacts were active on the platform. If the last seen status shows a recent time, it is likely that the contact is currently using Signal.

Look for typing indicators: When a user is typing a message, Signal displays three dots next to their name in the chat window. If you see these dots, it means that the contact is currently typing a message.

Try sending a message: If the contact is online and has Signal open, they will receive your message immediately, and you will see the “delivered” and “read” indicators. However, if the message remains undelivered or shows only the “sent” indicator, it may be an indication that the contact is not currently online.

In conclusion, while Signal does not provide a visible online status feature, there are some ways to tell if someone is currently using the platform, such as checking the last seen status, looking for typing indicators, and sending a message. 

However, it is important to respect the privacy and security of Signal users and not rely on their online status for monitoring or harassment purposes.

How to enable last seen in the Signal?

If you want to enable the last-seen feature on your Signal account, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open the Signal application on your device.

Step 2: Tap on your profile picture at the top-left corner of the screen to open the settings menu.

Step 3: Select “Privacy” from the list of options.

Step 4: Simply tap on the “Show read receipts” option.

Step 5: Enabling the “Show read receipts” option will allow other Signal users to see when you were last active on the platform. 

However, it is worth noting that this feature is optional, and you can turn it off at any time if you prefer not to share your activity with others.

To turn off the last seen feature, simply follow the steps above and toggle off the “Show read receipts” option. Once this option is turned off, other Signal users will not be able to see when you were last active on the platform, and your own last-seen status will not be visible to others.

How to Control Last Seen Status on Signal App?

If you want to control your last-seen status on Signal, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1: Open the Signal application on your device.

Step 2: Tap on your profile picture at the top-left corner of the screen to open the settings menu.

Select “Privacy” from the list of options.

Step 3: Under the “Last Seen” section, you can choose who can see your last seen status by selecting one of the following options:

  • Everyone: All Signal users can see when you were last active on the platform.
  • My Contacts: Only your Signal contacts can see when you were last active on the platform.
  • Nobody: No one can see when you were last active on the platform.

By choosing the “Nobody” option, you can effectively disable the last seen feature on your Signal account, and your activity on the platform will remain private.

In conclusion, controlling your last seen status on Signal is a simple process that can be done by selecting one of the available options under the “Last Seen” section in the Privacy settings. 

By choosing the “Nobody” option, you can effectively disable the last-seen feature and maintain your privacy and security on the platform.

Next reading: How to Enable Last Seen on Signal App?


Can I see when someone was last active on Signal?

Yes, Signal displays the last seen timestamp for all your contacts.

How do I check someone’s last seen status on Signal?

Open the chat with the contact and look for the “last seen” text beneath their name.

Does Signal show the exact time someone was last active?

No, Signal only shows the date and time in hours or days since they were last seen.

Can I hide my last seen status on Signal?

Yes, you can choose to hide your last seen status in Signal’s privacy settings.

Can I still receive messages if I hide my last seen status on Signal?

Yes, hiding your last seen status does not affect your ability to receive messages


Signal’s Last Seen feature can be a useful way to see when your contacts were last active on the app. However, it’s important to be aware of privacy concerns and that this feature can be disabled. 

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can check when someone was last active on Signal or disable the Last Seen feature if you prefer. Remember to prioritize your privacy and choose the options that best suit your needs.

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