How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Signal?

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Signal is a popular messaging app that prioritises privacy and security. It is a go-to app for people who are concerned about their online privacy. One of the unique features of Signal is that it has end-to-end encryption, which means that no one can read your messages, not even Signal itself. 

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How to Know if Someone Blocked You on Signal?

However, sometimes you may find that someone is no longer responding to your messages, and you suspect that they have blocked you. 

In this article, I will discuss how to know if someone has blocked you on Signal.

How to know if someone blocked you on Signal App?

1. Check Your Signal Contacts

The first thing you should do is check your Signal contacts. If you cannot find the contact that you think has blocked you, then there is a good chance that they have indeed blocked you. To check your Signal contacts, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Open Signal
  • Step 2: Simply tap on the 3-dots in the top-right corner of the signal app
  • Step 3: Select “Settings”
  • Step 4: Tap on “Privacy”
  • Step 5: Tap on “Blocked”

If the contact that you think has blocked you is on the list, then it is confirmed that they have blocked you.

2. Check Message Status

Another way to know if someone has blocked you on Signal is by checking the message status. When you send a message on Signal, you will see a status under the message that tells you if the message has been delivered and if it has been read. 

If someone has blocked you, you will not see any status under your messages. This means that the messages have not been delivered to the other person.

3. Call the Person

If you are unsure whether someone has blocked you on Signal, you can try calling them. If they have blocked you, you will not be able to call them. Instead, you will hear a busy tone or a message saying that the person is not available.

4. Create a Group

Another way to know if someone has blocked you on Signal is by creating a group with the person you think has blocked you. If the person is still able to receive your messages and participate in the group, then they have not blocked you. However, if the person is unable to join the group or participate in the chat, then it is likely that they have blocked you.

5. Ask Someone Else

If you are still unsure whether someone has blocked you on Signal, you can ask a mutual friend to check if they can see the person’s profile or if they can send messages to them. If your friend is able to do so, then it is likely that the person has blocked you.

6. Reinstall Signal

If you have tried all the above methods and are still unsure whether someone has blocked you on Signal, you can try reinstalling the app. Reinstalling Signal will clear all the data, including the block list. If the contact that you think has blocked you reappears in your contacts after reinstalling the app, then it is confirmed that they have not blocked you.

Signs That Indicate You Have Been Blocked on Signal

Here are some signs that may indicate that you have been blocked on Signal:

  1. You cannot send messages to the person: If you are unable to send messages to the person even though you were previously able to, it may indicate that you have been blocked.
  1. You cannot see the person’s profile picture: If the person has removed their profile picture or you cannot see it anymore, it could be a sign that you have been blocked.
  1. You cannot see the person’s last seen status: If you are unable to see when the person was last active on Signal, it may indicate that you have been blocked.
  1. Your messages to the person are not delivered: If your messages to the person do not show the “delivered” status, it may be a sign that you have been blocked.
  1. The person’s name appears as a phone number: If the person’s name appears as a phone number instead of their actual name, it may mean that they have deleted their account or that you have been blocked.

Using Signal’s Built-in Features to Confirm If Someone Has Blocked You

If you suspect that someone has blocked you on Signal, there are several built-in features that you can use to confirm your suspicion.

Firstly, if you are unable to send messages to the person, it is a strong indication that you have been blocked. When someone blocks you on Signal, you will no longer be able to communicate with them, and your messages will not be delivered. If you try to send a message and it remains stuck with the “sending” status, it may indicate that the person has blocked you.

Another feature you can use to confirm if someone has blocked you on Signal is the profile picture. When someone blocks you, you will no longer be able to see their profile picture. If you notice that the person’s profile picture has disappeared or that you cannot access it anymore, it could be a sign that you have been blocked.

What to Do If You Have Been Blocked on Signal?

Discovering that you have been blocked on Signal can be a frustrating experience, but there are several steps you can take to handle the situation.

Firstly, it is important to remember that being blocked on Signal does not mean that the person has anything against you personally. It could be that they are taking a break from social media, or they have simply decided to limit their interactions on the platform.

Checking Your Signal Contacts List to Identify If You Have Been Blocked

The first step is to open the Signal app on your device and navigate to your contact list. If you are unable to find the person’s name on your contact list, it could mean that they have blocked you on Signal. When someone blocks you, they are effectively cutting off all communication with you, and this includes removing you from their contact list.

If you do find the person’s name on your contact list, the next step is to check their profile information. If the person has blocked you, their profile information may not be visible to you anymore. This includes their profile picture, last seen status and other information they may have added to their profile.

Another sign that you have been blocked on Signal is if your messages to the person are not delivered. When someone blocks you on Signal, you will no longer be able to communicate with them, and your messages will not be delivered. If you try to send a message and it remains stuck with the “sending” status, it may indicate that the person has blocked you.

Tips for Maintaining Positive Communication and Avoiding Being Blocked on Signal.

If you’re using Signal to communicate with others, it’s important to maintain positive communication and avoid being blocked. 

  1. Respect Others: Everyone has self-respect and wants respect and it’s most important to respect them to make your relationship longer. Avoid sending unsolicited messages or contacting people excessively.
  1. Be mindful of your tone: The way you communicate is just as important as what you communicate. Avoid using aggressive or confrontational language, and try to be open-minded and respectful when engaging in discussions.
  1. Listen actively: When someone is speaking to you, make sure to actively listen to what they’re saying. Try to understand their perspective and avoid interrupting or dismissing their concerns.
  1. Avoid sensitive topics: While it’s important to have open and honest communication, it’s also important to be mindful of sensitive topics that may cause conflict or discomfort. Avoid discussing topics that may be divisive or triggering.
  1. Communicate clearly: Miscommunication can often be the source of conflict. Make sure to communicate clearly and effectively, and avoid using ambiguous language or assuming that the other person knows what you mean.

By following these tips, you can maintain positive communication and avoid being blocked on Signal. Remember, communication is a two-way street and it’s important to approach it with empathy and understanding.

Next reading: How to Know if Someone Has Read Your Signal Message?


How can I tell if someone has blocked me on Signal?

There are several indications that someone has blocked you on Signal. You may see that your messages to that person are not being delivered or received, or that they appear as a single grey check mark instead of two blue check marks indicating that the message has been delivered and read. Additionally, their profile picture and last seen status may not be visible, and you may not be able to make voice or video calls to them.

Is there a way to confirm if someone has blocked me on Signal?

Signal does not provide a direct way to confirm if someone has blocked you. However, you may be able to indirectly confirm if someone has blocked you by trying to add them to a group chat. If the person does not appear in the list of available contacts to add to the group chat, it may be an indication that they have blocked you.

Can I still send messages to someone who has blocked me on Signal?

You can still attempt to send messages to someone who has blocked you on Signal, but your messages will not be delivered or received. You may also see an error message indicating that the message could not be delivered. Keep in mind that repeatedly attempting to message someone who has blocked you may be considered harassment and could result in consequences.


Signal is a secure messaging app that respects user privacy. However, sometimes you may find that someone has blocked you on Signal. By following the methods outlined in this article, you can easily know if someone has blocked you on Signal. 

It is always a good idea to respect other people’s privacy and not engage in any activity that may lead to someone blocking you on Signal.

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