How to Enable Last Seen on Signal App?

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How to Enable Last Seen on Signal App?

Signal is a popular instant messaging app that has gained immense popularity in recent years. One of the best features of Signal is its privacy and security measures. 

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However, some users may want to enable the Last Seen feature on Signal to keep track of when their friends and family members were last active on the app. 

This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to enable the Last Seen feature on Signal App.

Why Enable Last Seen on Signal App?

The Last Seen feature on Signal App allows you to see when your friends and family members were last active on the app. 

This can be helpful in keeping track of when someone was last online and whether they are ignoring your messages or not.

How to Enable Last Seen on Signal App?

Step 1: Open Signal App

The first step is to open the Signal App on your phone. If you have not installed Signal, you can download it from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Step 2: Tap on Your Profile Icon

Once you have opened the Signal App, you need to tap on your profile icon in the top left corner of the screen.

Step 3: Tap on Privacy

In the profile menu, scroll down until you see the Privacy option. Tap on Privacy to access the privacy settings.

Step 4: Enable Last Seen

In the Privacy settings, you will see an option called Last Seen. Toggle the switch to enable Last Seen on Signal App.

The Benefits and Risks of Enabling Last Seen on Signal App

When using Signal, a popular messaging app known for its privacy and security features, users have the option to enable “Last Seen” to indicate when they were last active on the app. 

While enabling Last Seen can have some benefits, such as improving communication with contacts and providing a sense of availability, it also poses some risks.


Improved communication: By enabling Last Seen, your contacts can see when you were last active on Signal, which can be helpful in determining if you are available to communicate. This can facilitate faster and more efficient communication with your contacts.

Better synchronisation: Last Seen can help you synchronise with your contacts and be on the same page. For instance, if you and your contact both have Last Seen enabled, you can see each other’s availability and be sure that you are messaging at an appropriate time.

Transparency: Enabling Last Seen can provide transparency about your activity on Signal. This can be useful in situations where you need to provide proof of your activity, such as in a legal or professional setting.


Privacy concerns: Enabling Last Seen on Signal can reveal sensitive information about your activity on the app, such as when you are using it and how frequently. This can compromise your privacy, especially if you are trying to remain anonymous or keep your online activity private.

Stalking or harassment: Last Seen can also enable others to track your activity on Signal and potentially harass or stalk you. If you have safety concerns or are in a situation where you do not want others to know your activity, it is best to disable Last Seen.

Reduced security: In some cases, enabling Last Seen can reduce the security of your Signal account. For instance, if you enable Last Seen and then lose your phone or have it stolen, someone else may be able to access your Signal account and see your activity.

In summary, enabling Last Seen on Signal can have some benefits, but it also poses some risks. If you choose to enable Last Seen, it is important to consider the potential risks and take steps to protect your privacy and security on the app.

Things to Keep in Mind When Enabling Last Seen on Signal App

Last Seen is not Always Accurate

The Last Seen feature on Signal App is not always accurate. The app may show the wrong time for when someone was last online, especially if they have a poor internet connection.

You Can Hide Last Seen from Certain Contacts

If you do not want certain contacts to see your Last Seen status, you can hide it from them. In the Privacy settings, you will see an option to hide Last Seen from specific contacts.

How to Turn Off Last Seen on Signal App for Privacy

Disabling Last Seen on Signal App can help protect your privacy and prevent others from tracking your activity on the app. 

Here is a step-by-step guide to turning off Last Seen on Signal App:

For Android:

Step 1: Open Signal App on your Android device.

Step 2: Tap on the three dots in the top right corner to open the Settings menu.

Step 3: Scroll down to find and tap on “Privacy” option.

Step 4: Tap on “Last Seen”.

Step 5: Toggle the switch to the left to disable Last Seen.

For iOS:

Step 1: Launch Signal App on your iOS device.

Step 2: Tap on your profile picture located in the top left corner of the screen to access the Settings menu.

Step 3: Scroll down to locate the “Privacy” option and select it.

Step 4: Locate the “Last Seen” and tap on it.

Step 5: Toggle the switch to the left to disable the Last Seen feature.

Once Last Seen is disabled, your contacts will no longer be able to see when you were last active on Signal.

It’s important to note that disabling Last Seen can also have its own implications, as it may affect your communication with your contacts or make it difficult to know when they are available. If you do choose to disable Last Seen, it is recommended to communicate with your contacts about your availability and to find alternative ways to coordinate your communication.

In summary, turning off Last Seen on Signal App can help protect your privacy, but it may also have its own implications. It’s important to consider the potential risks and benefits before making a decision and to regularly review your privacy settings on Signal.

How to Customise Last Seen Settings on Signal App?

Signal App provides users with the ability to customise their Last Seen settings to manage their privacy and communication preferences. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to customise Last Seen settings on Signal App:

Step 1: Open Signal App on your Android device.

Step 2: Tap on the three dots in the top right corner to open the Settings menu.

Step 3: Scroll down to find and tap on “Privacy”.

Step 4: Tap on “Last Seen”.

Step 5: Choose the “Who can see my Last Seen time?” option.

Step 6: Select from the available options to make your Last Seen time visible to everyone, only your contacts, or no one at all.

Next reading: Does Signal Tell You When Someone Screenshots?


How do I enable Last Seen on Signal App?

To enable Last Seen on Signal App, open the app, go to Settings, select Privacy, and turn on the Last Seen option.

How can I set who can see my Last Seen status on Signal App?

You can customize who can see your Last Seen status by going to Settings, selecting Privacy, and choosing the “Who can see my Last Seen time?” option. From there, you can choose to make it visible to everyone, only your contacts, or no one at all.

Can I turn off Last Seen on Signal App after enabling it?

Yes, you can turn off Last Seen on Signal App by going to Settings, selecting Privacy, and turning off the Last Seen option.

What are the potential risks of enabling Last Seen on Signal App?

Enabling Last Seen on Signal App can compromise your privacy and security, as it allows others to track your activity on the app and potentially infer information about your availability and habits.

Can I selectively hide my Last Seen status from specific contacts on Signal App?

No, it is not possible to selectively hide your Last Seen status from specific contacts on Signal App. You can only choose to make it visible to everyone, only your contacts, or no one at all.


Enabling Last Seen on Signal App can be a useful feature for keeping in touch with your contacts and managing your communication effectively. However, it’s important to consider the potential risks and benefits before enabling this feature and to take steps to protect your privacy and security.

If you do decide to enable Last Seen on Signal App, our step-by-step guide can help you navigate the process on both Android and iOS devices. And if you prefer to disable Last Seen for privacy reasons, our guide can also assist you in turning off this feature.

Ultimately, the decision to enable or disable Last Seen on Signal App should be based on your individual preferences and needs. By staying informed and aware of your privacy settings on Signal App, you can ensure that your communication remains secure and protected.

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